Horsemen’s Pride: feeders and buckets

$ 16.00
- 870.00
Origin: America, USA

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Horsemen's Pride offers all kinds of equipment you'll need for feeding your horses or other farm animals and maintaining clean stables. These include feeders, feeding bins and carts, as well as water and manure buckets. Not all of which are shown here.

All are made from sturdy polyethylene plastics that will stand the test of time and allow you to keep using them for years to come. Many are also available in various colors.


Attention: Horsemen's Pride also offers products that are imported (origin unknown). So always be sure to check the products description for 'made in the USA'.


The origin of any of the raw materials is currently unknown.

The origin of any accessories, hardware or packaging is currently unknown.

The plastic parts of the feeders and buckets are made in the USA. Most likely in Ohio.


Contiguous USA

Orders under $75 : $12.99 flat rate
Orders over $75 : Free

Alaska, Hawaii

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If you prefer buying in person, their website features a store locator.

Horsemen's Pride company logo.

Horsemen's Pride

Product Features

  • Feeders, feed carts and feed bins
  • Water and manure buckets
  • Sturdy polyethylene construction
  • Available in several colors
  • 14-day return policy
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