Find products made in the Free World

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Why buy products listed on this website?​

Quality & Safety​

Products made in free nations are often of higher quality and safer to use, sometimes ironically, due to stricter regulations. This mostly means less harmful chemicals and safer electronics.


If you have a bad experience with a company or product listed on this site, you are not powerless. Not only can you come to us with the issue, if worst comes to worst there are authorities you can go to who will actually hold that company accountable.

Fair Trade​

Give companies from free nations a fair chance to compete. They often pay their employees higher wages, provide safer working environments and respect intellectual property.​


Taxes from the companies listed here are going to governments that promote freedom and democracy and to the men and women protecting those values around the world.


Although still not where it needs to be in free nations, it's leaps and bounds ahead of other regimes. Not only will your personal data be in safer hands, but electronic hardware sold here is less likely to be compromised by malicious entities to give them access to your devices.

Secure supply chains

We don't believe it's a good idea to be dependent on countries that do not share our fundamental values for essential goods and services. By buying from this site you are helping to build supply chains we can rely on.

Make dreams come true

We live in a free market, meaning every company here was started by someone who decided they wanted to make a difference in the world and every product was made by someone who decided that's what they want to do to provide for their family and deliver value to the society as a whole. Not because they were forced, but because they made the decision that that would be the path they would take in life. The money you decide to spend here goes to those men and women, who can then decide for themselves how they want to spend it and use it to build the dream they have for themselves and their family. We can think of no better reason than that.

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